Information for our foreign Visitors and ArnoldFriends


We are happy that you have found this homepage. We are pleased to welcome you.

We are sorry, that we can not provide the content of this website native in different languages. For translations you can use the Google-Translator, what some people allways do. You can find it <here>. For translations you can select nearly all languages. If you state a Website this will also be done. For this way of translation you have to copy the URL from the adress-bar of the page you are looking to the left input-mask. Then click to the text in the output-mask and something magic happens: The selected page appears in the requested language ;-) From this point you can navigate as usual with the build-in navigation-buttons of this website.

If you have special questions, or in doubt with the translation (sometimes it might be difficult to understand), please ask. Your mails are allways welcome. Preferred language is german or english. If not, we will find a way to communicate in most european languages ;-)